Tuesday, March 03, 2009

That Faith Thing...

" For without faith, it is impossible to please Him..." I think you know the rest. Hebrews chapter 11, verse 6--definitely one of my favorite verses of scripture. Why? Well, first of all, if you meditate on it seriously, IT WILL STOP YOU DEAD IN YOUR TRACKS. You can not gloss over the notion that faith is ABSOLUTELY REQUIRED to please Jah. Don't even try it.

Faith: that ridiculously easy, yet hideously difficult concept to grasp. Faith: easy to articulate, except when it isn't. Faith: you have it, but at times trying to hold on to it is like trying to catch smoke. Isn't faith just a contradiction at times? I am glad to say, "No, it isn't." The conflict/confusion/craziness is wholly in us; in you and me.

What do we do about it? I will be bold enough to declare that I know. :-D One word: SURRENDER. Yeah, I said it. I meant it too. SURRENDER. Look, I am assuming you have at least a passing relationship with Yeshua (Jesus the Messiah), so I am operating under the assumption that you already know that your life is NOT your own. You have been BOUGHT with a price. Your RANSOM has been paid. I could go on and on and on, but I know you are already feeling what I am squealing. SURRENDER. Stop fighting faith and it will stop fighting you.

Of course, faith isn't actually fighting you or me. It just seems that way at times because we have a corporeal tendency to want to "feel" our way through life rather than be led by the Spirit. We are so, so, tactile. We just have to be in control; except we don't. Do you REALLY want to be drama free? SURRENDER. There is a release that comes with total surrender to Jah.

I was meditating on the FIRST part of Hebrews 11:6 one day a long time ago, sitting in a jacuzzi. I was alone and able to totally give myself over--SURRENDER--to what this word had for me. What hit me like a ton of bricks was this auricular revelation: "With faith it is EASY to please Me." Case closed! Eight words that carried more freight than I ever imagined eight words could carry. Yet, there it was, lifting my spirit and destroying ANY excuse I may try to conjure up later in life. If that revelation has hit you like it hit me, and I pray that it will, one of the great mysteries of life on this earthly vale of tears will have been solved. Not because I am so clever, but because Jah willed it to be so.

And that is just the first portion of that verse of scripture! Careful meditation on it will drive you into a certain wilderness only to refresh you with Living Water. Some folks get hung up on things that do not matter--I know that at times in my life I have. Getting a deeper understanding of how you and your faith relate to the Creator MATTERS. If you do not have a proper concept of faith and the role it plays in your relationship with Jah, you won't be able to please Him or yourself. You will be tossed, torn, twisted, tangled--OK, enough with the alliteration, I know you understand what I am saying.

Until the next time...

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